Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashlight Friday Makes Building Stamina a Breeze

Our classroom is working on building our reading stamina.  We are doing read to self for 12 minutes.  Our goal is to reach 30 minutes.  At each 10 minute interval we have a small classroom celebration, like extra recess, a treat, or playing a game in the gym with our teacher.  However, when we reach our 30 minute goal, we are planning to celebrate with a Read-In (bring blankets, wear P.J.'s, enjoy a treat, and READ).

Today was the kickoff of our Flashlight Fridays routine.  During flashlight Friday, Mrs. Ruckes turns out the lights and we read with our flashlights.  It's a lot of fun and it makes building stamina a breeze.  As S.G. exclaimed, "I just love Flashlight Friday."

Some students are reading by flashlight on the rug.

Some students like to read under tables with their flashlights.

Others like to stretch-out as they read.

Some students read at the small table and the writing center with their flashlights.

These students enjoy reading at their tables with their flashlights.

J.M. reads at the small table.

O.G. uses his flashlight to read near the book return area.

G.S. gets up close and personal with her flashlight and book.

What fun things do you do at reading time in your classroom?  Leave a comment, we would love to know!


  1. Valerie, I think this idea is just wonderful I hope you don't mind if I passed it on to others. I gave you credit and think you should write this up and send it along to the Reading Teacher or Scholastic. Thank you for the inspiration

    1. No, we would love it if you passed this idea along to other classrooms. Thanks for stopping by our classroom blog!

  2. Love the idea of Flashlight Friday! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. My first graders love it too. I don't think I've ever seen them so engaged as they were on Friday with their books and flashlights.

  3. I love this idea! Do the students provide their own flashlights each week or did you supply them? Thanks for sharing!

  4. L-O-V-E this idea! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  5. I love this idea! Would like to know if you provide the flashlights or if the kiddos bring them in? Please reply

  6. Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.

    Bright LED Tactical Flashlights
